Luxury Wall Coverings – How Important is Experience?
We understand, and so do our clients, how far professionalism and meticulousness can get you in any industry. Hanging luxury wall coverings is an art form that takes years, if not decades, to master.
With over 28 years’ experience in the business of luxury wallpaper, we’re best-placed to understand where things are likely to go wrong. On the slight chance there are any discrepancies with a product or its installation, we know exactly how to solve them as quickly as possible.
More importantly, we know how to mitigate the risk of any issues occurring in the first place.
But how much does experience really come into play when hanging luxury wall coverings?
No matter your line of work, confidence is a key aspect. How can you expect clients to have complete faith in you, if you yourself are having doubts?
As with all careers, gaining confidence can take time. Whilst some aspects of the job may come naturally, others take time to fully understand and apply to your work.
Luxury wallpaper installation is a precise skill that takes years to master. We work with extremely high-end products, therefore there is little to no room for error. Confidence needs building from the ground up in order to work with such products.
Twill Wallcovering Installations’ wall covering installation expert, Khuram, started from humble beginnings. After earning his qualifications in painting and decorating, Khuram began to hone in on his trade of hanging luxury wall coverings.
His passion and desire to continue learning has taken him across the globe. With every step, every client, and every beautiful material he’s installed, his confidence continues to grow.
And now? Well, our previous work speaks for itself. Now highly-confident in all aspects of wall covering installation, as well as the odd throwback to his painting and decorating days, Khuram embraces every new challenge with an air of confidence to match his years of experience.
Learning from Mistakes
“Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.” – John Dewy.
Learning from mistakes is how anyone grows as a person. As we’ve mentioned previously, we operate with no margin for error.
Unfortunately, when mistakes do happen, they tend to be very expensive mistakes. Luxury wall coverings don’t come cheap, and we have had our fair share of mishaps in the last (almost) three decades.
However, using these mistakes to better further our service. It’s how we’ve developed such a strong client base, in addition to brilliant relationships with some of the world’s most high quality luxury wallpaper brands. From de Gournay to Phillip Jeffries, these brands know they can trust us just as our clients do.
Our clients trust us because from the moment we agree to work together, we take full responsibility. From faulty materials to imperfect installation, accountability is a key value we operate by. With that being said, our years of experience, coupled with learning from our mistakes, makes them nothing more than a rarity.
When hanging luxury wall coverings we take extreme care, and place a strong focus on thorough preparation. Attention to detail is crucial to avoiding mistakes, and we ensure everything is perfect before the installation begins.
Should there be any issues during the installation process, we know exactly how to correct them. We’re confident that any and all jobs can still be completed on time, and with the outstanding results our clients expect of us.
No, we aren’t perfect. We’ve made mistakes – as everyone has. However, the way we deal with these mistakes, and how we learn to make certain that they never happen again, may be seen as a rarity in itself.
Experience with a Variety of Luxury Wall Coverings
Installation of luxury wallpaper may be one of our most common jobs, but our experience encompasses so much more.
From Canada and North America, to back here in the UK, Twill Wallcovering Installations’ team boasts knowledge that knows no bounds. Whether you’re looking for the acoustic properties of fabric wall coverings, or specialist 3M Di NOC architectural film; rest assured, we’ve got a wealth of experience in completing similar projects on-time, on-budget and to impeccable standards.
Different wall coverings behave in different ways. What’s more, the exact same wall coverings can behave completely differently, depending on the environment in which the installation takes place. This is where experience pays dividends.
By working on hundreds of projects worldwide, we’ve gained in-depth knowledge on the many working parts it takes to hang luxury wallpaper, as well as many other types of wallcoverings.
With that being said, we’re always looking to embrace new challenges. No matter how obscure your vision may sounds, no matter how difficult it may be to create, get in touch and test us. We’ll even offer you a quote within 48 hours. Then, we’ll use our vast experience to make your vision a reality.
Email hello@twill-us.com or call us today on +44 7957 423585 to discuss your luxury wall covering project.